So here is the new I.M.A.G.
To tell you the truth I started out this project wanting to build an ampdroid but after building and designing and learning and thunking, I figured the thing I need most at a show or an outing, is someone that can hold all my crap.
Basically like a rolling locker with internet. At that point it can just tow a little cart with not just my amplifier in it but perhaps groceries or even me if I am too drunk to walk, which is every minute of every day just kidding.
What do I want rolling along with me in my personal droid? Seriously?
A towel.
No joke, even though i love douglas adams, I always need a towel after i get out of the monster uniform. How about some snacks, some drinks, A lighter, keys, phone, cards, dog bones, water, family jewels, a pencil, some tools, beer, believe me im sure every nook and cranny will be filled with crapola by the end of the first week
So here is what i got so far. I want to of course replace the frame with a custom welded frame but I dont have a metal shop yet.
A robot this size has to be cylindrical-ish. Anyone who denies this should go put a bunch of honey and liquid nitrogen in their pants and PM me in the morning. Just kidding. I don't recomend that. The rest of us will continue.
I am enclosed the EZ-B and the sabertooth 2x25 inside the grey plastic electrical box from home depot. I roughed out a quick frame for testing purposes out of some home depot strut.
Someone said it isnt a robot unless its 4 feet tall. I dont know how tall this one is yet but I agree. A robot should be kinda big.
And it should also be able to carry all your crap and tow some other heavier stuff too sometimes... Light your path up if its dark.
You should be able to walk your dog and the droid to the store. When you get there, hook your dog up to a little hook on the droid.
When you come out with your groceries, put them inside your droid and walk home..... Relaxing!
Beep it up y'all!
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